TranaKids Triangle Slide - developing intelligence through movement

The peak of physical development is from the time a child learns to crawl until about 5 years of age. At this time, the musculoskeletal system, posture and the child's brain are actively forming to control his or her body.
Mastering actions one by one, learning to give precise orders to its muscles and sensory organs the child's brain learns to gather information about the world and learns to act in it by exploring the possibilities of its body. To make body movement possible, many organs are in harmony with each other: skeleton and muscles with tendons and joints, brain and nerves. All these organs together form the body's system of movement.
It is during this period that we need to give the child the opportunity to perform a wide variety of physical activities and the TranaKids Triangle provides this opportunity.

The movements that you and I perform every day unconsciously, the child learns through a lot of inner work. Let's look at one of the movements in detail for a 9 month old baby. For example, the ability to climb stairs. It starts with an internal decision - I want to and will climb up. Next, give the command to the hand to grasp, coordinate the direction of the hand to accurately grasp the rung. Give the command to clench fingers and hold them (fine motor skills). Find the foot that will be the first to place on the crossbar. Coordinate the muscles so that it stands on the crossbar while continuing to hold the clenched toes. Now we need to coordinate the muscles that hold the body upright on the leg. At the age of one year, it is still difficult for a child to coordinate the different movements of his two limbs: looked at the arm - forget the leg, looked at the leg - forget the arm. The child continues to crawl, solving a lot of different tasks to control his body. It is important to remember that the child is very tired from such a load. Watch his condition, giving him all the necessary breaks. As a result, the child learns to analyze information (distance to the bar) and perform actions faster, switching from one to another.

These are the kind of compound exercises that teach the brain to hold concentration on different tasks. Having a TranaKids triangle at home you have a multifunctional training device for the development of many physical abilities of the child's body and brain: to climb, stand, walk on an inclined surface, roll down the slide yourself or roll toys, put toys at different heights and make a house.
The triangle grows with the child and having daily access to it will be a big bonus for the child. The fact is that the body of a child under the age of 4 is growing rapidly and its proportions are changing. Which means changing how to perform the same action. Climbing at one year, at two and at 4 are different skills in relation to the same triangle. In this way the child learns to quickly adapt his movements to changes in the environment, which makes thinking plastic and builds self-confidence.

How to exercise with a triangle at home?

  1. With children under 3 years of age, the triangle is only used in the presence and support of an adult. Set up the triangle, work with it and put it away. The child's safety is paramount.
  2. The younger the child, the more often he or she needs breaks in the activity because the muscles and the control center (brain) that analyzes the circumstances and gives impulses to the muscles get tired.
  3. We start at the lower bars, and the child goes higher only as far as his strength is sufficient. We do not set higher. This is his developmental zone.
  4. 4. When helping to climb a ladder or up a mountain, we hold only one hand to engage all the muscles of the body, the child learns to control himself. As soon as we take him by the torso, as a rule, the child relaxes, hangs on our hands. At this time, work, and therefore development, stops.
  5. Divide complex actions into components.
  6. Allow the child to repeat the same movement until confidence in it appears. Sometimes a child, after climbing the first step, will fall down and do it again and again. Do not force him. Once he is ready to climb further, he will climb on his own.
  7. Since the triangle is at home, we can take plenty of time to develop movement. Do not rush your child. As soon as he can climb on his own, you will see. He will be unstoppable!

An important sign of success will be your child's genuine joy at what he is doing!

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